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“The Intersection of Commercial and Literary Fiction” Panel co-sponsored by the NYU Creative Writing Program and Women’s National Book Association, Moderator, March 2015.


“Write Relationships,        Panel co-sponsored by the NYU Creative Writing Program and Women’s National Book Association, Moderator, March 2014.


CUNY IT, Center for Digital Education, 2011, “Embedding Student Digital Stories


“Two for One: Student Learning Community as Faculty Learning Community,” Confronting the Hard Questions: CUNY Provost Council of the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, City University of New York, November, 2008. (co-presenter)


“Greatness in the Bronx: Humanities Projects Based upon a Historic Hall of Fame,” 7th London International Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, London, May, 2008. (co-presenter)


“The Center for Teaching Excellence at Bronx Community College,” League for Innovation in the Community Colleges, New York, March, 2006.


“Reading, Learning and Thinking Across the Disciplines,” CUNY General Education Conference on Integrative Learning, City University of New York, May, 2005.


“An Action Research Faculty Development Initiative: A Tale of Two Colleges in Search of Engaged Teaching and Learning at CUNY,” Association of American Colleges and Universities, Bethesda, Maryland, April, 2005. (co-presenter)


“Faculty Development Across Disciplines Designed to Promote Self-Regulated Learning,” Association of American Colleges and Universities, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November, 2004. (co-presenter)


“Establishing a Center for Teaching Excellence,” Fourth Annual Title V Project Director’s Meeting, Washington, D.C., November, 2003.


“Engaging the Elephant: Promoting Deep Learning at the Center for Teaching Excellence at Bronx Community College,” AACC Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 2003. (co-presenter)


“Raising the Rafters of the Center for Teaching Excellence at Bronx Community College,” NISOD Annual Convention, Austin, Texas, May, 2003.


“Reading, Learning, and Thinking Across the Disciplines, Title V, Faculty Seminars, Bronx Community College, City University of New York, 2000-2003


“Critical Thinking for Nursing and Allied Health,” Seminar for Nursing and Allied Health, BCC, City University of New York, August, 2000.


“Multicultural Picture Books for the Emergent Reader,” Education Day, Bronx Community College, City University of New York, May, 2000.


“Promoting Multicultural Understanding through Reading Strategies for Building Reading/Learning Communities,” Tenth Annual Conference, CUNY Association of Reading Educators, November 10, 1995.


“LETME: A Metacognitive Study Approach that Enhances Student Learning from Content Text,” International Reading Association Thirty-First Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 13-17, 1986.


“LETME:  A New Study Method for Secondary Students,” Eleventh Annual Parents and Reading Conference, Fordham University, New York, January, 1986.


“A Comparison of Pre and Post Study Strategy Self-Reports After Training in a Meta-cognitive Approach to Learning from Text,” New York State Reading Association 1986 Conference, Kiamesha Lake, New York. (co-presenter)


“Effects of a Metacognitive Study Training Program on Learning from Text and Meta-cognitive Awareness:  A Follow-up Study,” National Reading Conference, December, 1986.


“Effects of a Metacognitive Study Training Program on Underprepared College Students,” National Reading Conference, San Diego, California, December, 1985.


“Developing an Individualized Study Method as a Core Component of Developmental Reading,” Thirtieth Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, College Reading Improvement Special Interest Group, New Orleans, May, 1985.


“Helping Teachers Develop Reading Programs Using a Decision-Making Model,” Thirtieth Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading Special Interest Group, New Orleans, May, 1985.


“Using A Personalized Study Formula Strategy with Secondary and Postsecondary Students,” Thirtieth Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, May, 1985.


“Independent Study Method in Developmental Reading Programs,” New York Metropolitan Association for Developmental Education Annual Conference, New York, April, 1985. 


“Reading and the Electronic Media,” Tenth Annual Parents and Reading Conference, Fordham University, New York, January, 1985.


“A Decision-Making Model for Determining a Holistic or Skills Approach to Reading Instruction,” Tenth Southeastern Regional Conference, International Reading Association, Lexington, Kentucky, November 7, 1984.


“Declining Literacy and the Electronic Culture,” American Culture Association Annual Convention, Toronto Canada, March, 1984.


“Effect of Pre-reading Cues on the Processing of Text,” Annual Meeting North Carolina Association for Research in Education, Duke University, February, 1984.


“Pre and Post-reading Strategies Based on Psycholinguistic Theory, “Fourteenth Annual Conference of the North Carolina Council, International Reading Association, Charlotte, North Carolina, March, 1982.


“Stimulating Concept Formation as Part of the Reading and Writing Process,” workshop Co-director, Fifth Annual Workshop of Demonstration Lessons for Teaching Composition and Reading, Rutgers University, April, 1980.


“Promoting Literacy through Video Technology for the Next Decade,” International Reading Association Third Eastern Regional Conference, Niagara Falls, New York, March 27, 1980.


“Reading Comprehension:  New Directions from Cognitive Psychology,” symposium The Phi Delta Kappa Graduate School of Education Research Conference, Fordham University, Lincoln Center, March 24, 1979.


“Comprehension of Text, Where Do We Go From Here?”  Institute for Cognitive Research and Development, Fordham University, Lincoln Center, May 14, 1979.


“Paragraph Comprehension and the Semantic Processing of Text,” City University of New York Association of Writing Supervisors Third Annual Conference, Roosevelt House, New York City, May 4, 1979.


“Nonverbal Performance and Personality Characteristics of Remedial Reading Community College Students,” Eastern Educational Research Association Convention, Williamsburg, Virginia, March, 1978.


“Fostering the Reader’s Responsibility in Secondary Remedial Settings,” International Reading Association Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, May, 1978.


“Research in Remedial Reading Teaching and Its Implications for the Secondary and College Classroom,” First Annual Workshop of the Metropolitan Articulation Project, Fordham University, New York City, October, 1977.


“What Researchers in Long-Term Memory Have To Say to College Reading Teachers,” Reading at City University of New York Conference, Brooklyn, New York, May, 1976.


“The Intensive Care Clinical Reading Project,” International Reading Association Annual Convention, Anaheim, California, May, 1976.


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